Jessica Dimuzio, VMD


Milestones Children’s Critique Circle is a support group exclusively for dedicated writers of all genres of children’s books. I founded this organization in July, 2006 and am proud to be the leader of such a diverse and accomplished group of people. Our motto is: E=MC3.  Because the group generates so much energy, we beat Einstein’s equation! We meet once a month on a Monday evening in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania.   Although there is a page of rules we follow, the most important are these:

Everyone must be

  1. a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators

  2. seeking publication of their work

  3. fascinated by dung beetles.

To be invited as a guest, please contact: jdvmd AT comcast DOT net .

All members are busy working on manuscripts but the Publications to date by MC3 Members are:                                                     (in order of publication date)

Flying Jack

by Kathye Fetsko Petrie

The Frog in the Well

retold by Irene Y. Tsai

The Secret Year

by Jennifer R. Hubbard

Bark! Bark! Bark for My Park!

by Jessica Dimuzio, VMD and Johnny Angel

Try Not to Breathe

by Jennifer R. Hubbard


Milestones Children’s Critique Circle

purpose: Support exclusively for dedicated writers of children’s books

Leader:  Jessica Dimuzio, VMD

Membership: By invitation only

Location: Chestnut Hill, PA

subjects:  All genres of children’s books

FoundedJuly, 2006